Summer School for Pediatric Neurology in Romania

Romanian Society of Pediatric Neurology invites you to participate to the English speaking Romanian Summer School for Pediatric Neurology in Romania , at Cheile Gradistei (

The two themes of the Summer School are:

Ataxias and Cerebellar disorders
Eugen Boltshauser ( Switzerland ), Andrea Poretti ( USA )
25-26 June 2012
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Trainers: Christoph Hertzberg ( Germany )
27-28 June 2012

Summer School location is Cheile Gradistei complex, a mountain resort situated in Moeciu, 7 km from Bran Castle (Dracula’s Castle), 30 km from Brasov city and around 170 km (3 hours driving) from Otopeni International Airport ( Bucharest ). For further details please see

COSTS are detailed in the booking form – attached and include registration fee, accommodation (one place in double room), all meals, transport from airport to venue and back, social programme.

BURSARIES of 250 euro are available! You might have to pay only 100 euro (for SRNP members) or 150 euro (for non-members) for both courses.
For participating in only one course with bursary you have to pay 75 euro (SRNP members) or 100 euro (non-members).

This is an unique opportunity of high level training in an exceptional environment with really affordable costs!

Apply for bursary now! Immediate answer will be given to you. A limited number of bursaries are available! You have a high chance to receive bursary! Send your CV!

BOOKING. Deadline registration – 25th of May 2012!
Please, use enclosed Booking form!

CASES FROM THE TRAINEES: We encourage participants to send a short summary (half page) of the most interesting cases of ataxias, cerebellar disorders and special tuberous sclerosis cases. Deadline – 15th of May 2012.

On behalf of the SRNP,
Dana Craiu, Chair of the E&T Committee of the SRNP.

26th Nordic Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology

The Swedish Society for Clinical Neurophysiology cordially invites you to participate in the 26th Nordic Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology in Lund on May 10-12, 2012. The meeting will take place in Palaestra close to the main university building in the very centre of Lund and within walking distance from most hotels.

In line with previous successful Nordic congresses, this meeting will consist mainly of symposia with invited lecturers (including Sandor Beniczky and Mihai Moldovan), and of poster sessions covering both the central and peripheral nervous system. See preliminary program HERE. A separate session for technologists is under planning. All sessions will be held in English.

Last date for registration is extended until April 30.

For details see: