ASNER Summer School 2013: 2nd anouncement

The 4th ASNER Summer School with international participation will take place in Eforie Nord, 5-6-7 July 2013.

Our distinguished international faculty include Professor Josep Valls Solé (Spain), Professor Poul Jenum (Denmark) and Dr. Troels Kjaer (Denmark).

Participant registration will open on June 1st 2013. The places will be occupied on a first-come-first-served basis.


Friday July 5th

13.00 Welcome light lunch and onsite registration
13.30 Opening remarks – (Tudor Lupescu, Ioana Mindruta, Mihai Moldovan)
13.45 Reserved topic – (Dafin Muresan)

14.30 –18.00 Sleep disorders symposium
Principles of sleep staging    (Poul Jenum)
Sleep in neurological disorders (Cristina Panea)
How we explore excessive daytime sleepiness? (Poul Jenum)
Epilepsy and sleep (Ioana Mindruta)
Seizures during sleep (Troels Kjaer)

19:00 Dinner

Saturday July 6th

9.00-12.00 Penary session
Neurophysiological assessment of painful neuropathies (Josep Valls Solé)
Surgically remediable epilepsy syndromes  (Troels Kjaer)
Neuropathies from electrophysiology to etiology (Tudor Lupescu)
EEG outcome measures in coma (Mihai Moldovan)

12.00 – 14.00 lunch break

14.00-18.00 EEG workshop
Interpretation of EEG in epilepsy (Troels Kjaer, Poul Jennum, Ioana Mindruta, Cristina Panea)

14.00-18.00 EMG workshop
Assessment of excitability in brainstem circuits mediating the blink reflex and the startle reaction (Josep Valls Solé)
The clinical value of nerve stimulation threshold (Mihai Moldovan)
Botulinic toxin injection under EMG guidance (Tudor Lupescu)
EMG pearls (Mircea Moldovan)

19.00 Dinner

Sunday July 7th

9.00  Case presentations from the participants
12.00  Concluding remarks

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