Asociatia de Medicina Functionala si Institutul National de Reabilitare, Medicina Fizica si Balneoclimatologie, va invita la cursul, adresat medicilor rezidenti si specialisti, din specialitatile Neurologie si Reabilitare Medicala, avand ca subiect

Investigarea și tratamentul Vezicii Neurologice la pacienții cu TVM, SM și boli neuro-degenerative.

Cursul va fi coordonat de Dna Conf.Univ. Dr Delia Cinteza- Medic Primar Recuperare medicala  si de Dl Dr Andrei Manu-Marin- medic primar urolog, specialist in neuro-urologie

Data: 25 noiembrie 2020.

Locatie : WEBINAR

Cursurile vor avea o parte teoretica si o parte practica.

Partea practica va prezenta tehnica investigatiei urodinamice si tehnica injectarii Toxinei Botulinice in detrusor.   

Cursul este gratuit.

Pentru informatii si inscrieri  va rugam sa folositi site-ul cursului:

Education Scholarships 2020

The EMEAC- IFCN is pleased to announce the availability of 10 education scholarships of up to €2,500 each that will be awarded to young clinical neurophysiologists to advance their training in clinical neurophysiology. Candidates must contact the education mentor themselves and obtain permission from the host department for the scholarship.

These scholarships will be split between applicants from economically disadvantaged and developed countries.

EMEAC-IFCN is keen to promote education and training. From its recent discussions on this, one area identified is a difficulty some trainees find in obtaining training in some areas within some host departments. The present scholarships are to support movement of trainees between departments within the EMEA Chapter to address these deficits. The duration of support is expected to be 6 weeks, but could be shorter, (when the financial support will be reduced proportionately, or longer (when applicants would need to secure their own additional funding). They are, in the first instance, a one-off initiative.

How to Apply
Applicants must attach:

Selection of the successful candidates will be made by the EMEAC-IFCN Executive Committee (ExCo). Applicants will be informed of the ExCo decision by May 1st, 2020.

The successful candidate will be expected to fulfill the following obligations:

  • Negotiate the exact dates of the scholarship with the host institution. The scholarship should be started within one year of receiving the award.
  • It is expected that the scholarship will be completed without interruption, but if special circumstances arise, exceptions will be considered.
  • Up to one month before the start of the scholarship, the successful applicant should request payment of half of the funds. The second half of the funds will be paid after completion of 6 weeks of the training.
  • The successful applicant must provide bank details for funds transfer.
  • At the end of the scholarship, the successful candidate should submit a brief summary of the training that was completed.
  • The successful applicant agrees to assist and allow promotion of the award through various media outlets, including social media.
  • The successful applicant agrees to be contacted by the EMEAC-IFCN one year or more after completion of the scholarship to see what they are doing and how the scholarship enhanced their career.

Submission Info
Deadline for submission is April 1st, 2020 (date of receipt).

Please send your application to the Secretary/Treasurer Hatice Tankisi of the EMEAC-IFCN via email at

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